Consultation on Strategic Environmental Assessment of Petroleum Licensing in the Internal Waters of Northern Ireland (Belfast Lough and Larne Lough)

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The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) is currently developing a criteria for Petroleum Licensing in the Internal Waters of Northern Ireland (the Plan). The plan will provide a framework for how petroleum licensing will be undertaken in the internal waters of Northern Ireland.

The public consultation on the Scoping Report will end on 14th June 2013.

The consultation on the Scoping Report seeks comments on:

  • The appropriateness of the proposed scope of the SEA (this will help ensure that all issues of potential concern are considered);
  • The appropriateness of the proposed assessment methodology; and
  • Any additional sources of relevant information that could be used to inform the assessment.

For more information visit the website

Email comments should be submitted to and written submissions should be sent to:

Minerals and Petroleum Branch
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment
Colby House
Stranmillis Court
Stranmillis Road
Belfast, BT9 5BJ