The Irish Environmental Network is a network of individual environmental Non-Government Organisations.

Explore who we are


The Irish Environmental Network represents the capacity-building and funding needs of its member organisations to the government.

Discover what we do


The IEN supports our members in their valuable work by distributing core funding and providing help through training and advice.

Success stories

Future Plans

Click here to read our Strategic Plan.

Our Future Plans

Supported By

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

Assoc member of the European Environmental Bureau
Ien Logo Primary

The Irish Environmental Network is an umbrella network that works to support environmental NGOs through access to funding and services. It consists of environmental NGOs that carry out their work through practical conservation work, campaigning, lobbying and raising public awareness of environmental and conservation needs.

Environmental Pillar Logo Primary

The Environmental Pillar comprises national environmental NGOs, who work together to represent the views of the Irish environmental sector. The main aim is to create and promote policies that advance sustainability and to provide a channel for government and other social partners to engage with the environmental sector on policy matters.

We Support

Sustainable Development Goals!