An Taisce acknowledges the extraordinary contribution of Éamon de Buitléar

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From an An Taisce press release ,28/1//2013:

An Taisce would like to acknowledge Éamon de Buitléar’s extraordinary contribution to so many Irish peoples understanding and appreciation of our local national environment, its habitats and species.

Many generations were addicted to ‘Amuigh Faoin Spéir’ (Out Under the Sky) with Dutch artist Gerrit Van Gelderen. This was a wonderful programme which was both enjoyable and educational, in which he merged his love of the Irish language and culture with that of our natural national heritage and his own intrepid photography.

Attracta Ui Bhroin, Council Member of An Taisce The National Trust for Ireland, said “I never hear or see an oyster catcher without thinking of Éamon de Buitléar or looking for an all too rare curlew”.

The country remains indebted for his contributions, which also include his books, other award winning series and his role as a Senator.

Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam dílis