The Scientific Basis for Raised Bog Conservation in Ireland Study, or the Raised Bog Conservation Study, commenced in March 2013.
The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht appointed RPS Consulting Engineers, in association with key experts, to undertake the study which is due to be completed in March 2015.
The study is providing specialist scientific and technical information and analysis which will support the development of a National Raised Bog Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Management Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to describe how Ireland’s 53 raised bog SAC sites (sites designated for protection and restoration under the EU Habitats Directive) will be managed into the future.
RPS would like to hear your views and opinions in relation to the Scoping Report, or any aspects of the Plan or the Raised Bog Conservation Study.
Post: RPS Consulting Engineers, Unit 33 Innovation Works
National Technology Park, Limerick
The final National Raised Bog SAC Management Plan, incorporating recommendations from the SEA process as well as the input of stakeholders, will be published in March 2014.
Closing date: 1st October 2013