Friends of the Earth launches the Fracking Free Ireland Campaign for the Local Elections

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On 29th April 2014, Friends of the Earth launches the Fracking Free Ireland campaign for the local elections. In the run up to polling day to be held on May 23rd, candidates are being asked to take the ‘Fracking Free Ireland Pledge’ which calls for a commitment to oppose the development of this controversial fossil fuel extraction industry in Ireland.

The Pledge simply states,

“I support a Fracking Free Ireland. If elected, I will work to ensure that fracking is not permitted in my area.”

Kate Ruddock, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Friends of the Earth said:

‘as voters concerned about the environment, the most important thing we can do right now is to vote for a candidate who pledges to make protection of the environment a priority. We are asking candidates to commit to working to ensure that this dangerous, toxic and climate-polluting industry is not permitted in their areas by signing this pledge’

Members of the public will be facilitated in contacting their local candidates to seek their views on fracking in Ireland and will be able to identify candidates who have committed to the Fracking Free Ireland pledge on the Friends of the Earth website.