All Island Civil Society Forum on the Environment – Session 4 Freshwater

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The fourth dialogue of the All Island Civil Society Forum on the Environment will take place online on Thursday 27th June from 10am until 1pm. The theme will be Freshwater.

As with the previous dialogues, this event is open to all those from civil society organisations (including local or issue specific campaign groups) who work or engage in activism on environmental issues.

At this fourth session we will have inputs from:

  • Sinead O’Brien, Coordinator of the Sustainable Water Network. The Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) is an umbrella network of 25 of Ireland’s leading environmental NGOs, national and regional, working together to protect and enhance Ireland’s water environment.
  • Joanna Braniff from the Northern Ireland Freshwater Taskforce . The Northern Ireland Freshwater Taskforce (FWTF) represents a range of organisations working together to ensure that Northern Ireland preserves and improves freshwater ecosystems. This involves encouraging Government and wider society to adopt a sustainable and integrated approach to water management. Joanna Braniff joined The Rivers Trust as part of the All-Ireland team at the beginning of 2022, bringing with her over 25 years of experience in journalism, communications, advocacy, and policy development. As the All-Ireland Advocacy and Communications Manager, she coordinates initiatives to promote the Trust’s activities in Northern Ireland and Ireland and champions legislative advancements for the preservation of freshwater ecosystems.

You can register to attend Session here.

The main purpose of the All Island Civil Society Forum on the Environment is to promote and deepen cooperation and dialogue between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland eNGOs and environmental civil society groups and activists . Participants will discuss shared challenges and possible solutions and policy responses that they believe are appropriate for introducing/implementing/exploring on an all-island basis or on both sides of the border. These solutions/policy responses will be recorded by the organisers and presented at a final in-person networking event. The dialogue is designed to be participative with an emphasis on knowledge sharing.

Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone in your organisation you feel would be interested. There is no limit to the number of participants from each organisation who can attend.

If you have any questions about this event or any other event in the All-island Forum please do not hesitate to contact Aoife Ní Lochlainn at