Formal ratification of the Aarhus Convention took place on June 20th 2012. During the course of the last 2 years, the Department has taken numerous opportunities to engage with the EU Commission and relevant stakeholders to ascertain the “in practice” implementation of the Convention in Ireland. The National Implementation Report, and its two public consultations, provided a solid basis for a very broad consideration of sentiment on the Convention across the general public, business, eNGOs and other public bodies.
Following on from recent legal advice and engagement with such stakeholders including the Environmental Law Implementation Group, it is now timely to give more detailed consideration to ascertain what level of primary legislative amendments might be required to give fuller, clearer, more transparent effect to the Aarhus Convention in Ireland, and whether other non-legislative methods could be used in certain areas to underpin and highlight the Convention in practice.
This consultation seeks to initiate discussion on a review of domestic provisions implementing Article 9 of the Aarhus Convention with a view to improving clarity and ensuring on-going effectiveness of the implementing measures. It is intended to provide an opportunity for all to input into the process of further enhancing the legislation which implements Article 9 of the Aarhus Convention into Irish law.
For more details click here.
Closing date: 26th September 2014