IEN Annual Membership and Core Funding Application Form 2023


To apply for membership of the IEN, you must return this form, fully completed and with the required documentation, by: 6.00pm 3rd July 2023. This is a hard deadline, if you miss it you will not be considered for membership.

There is only one deadline for 2023 so make sure that you do not miss it.

Remember to save your work as you go along.

We recommend that this form is double-checked, and agreed, by your board of directors prior to being submitted to us.

  • Section 6 must be completed by those that received Capacity Building funding in 2022
  • Section 7 should only be completed if you are applying for Capacity Building funding for 2023. Groups which have not received funding under this section in the previous 2 years are eligible to apply.
  • Keep to the word count guidelines. Additional text which exceeds the word count will not be considered for assessment,
  • The entire form will be taken into account as part of your Core Funding Application
  • Section 5.1 is your opportunity to tell the assessors what your group has achieved over the past year. This section will garner a large amount of marks so you should pay particular care to complete it fully.

Please contact the Secretariat at or by phoning Justin at 087 2222866 with any queries you may have.

All the information you submit in this form will be treated in confidence. Please note that the Department of the Environment Climate and Communications (DECC) may receive a copy of this form.
We may use anonymized and aggregated data from the form in our publicity and in funding applications.

( 1.1   Eligibility Criteria )
( 1.2   Background Info)
( 1.3   Mission and Values)
( 1.5   Human Resources)
( 1.6   Unique Contribution )
( 1.7   Main Activities)
( 1.8   Finances )
( 1.9   The SDGs and you)
( 2.0   Communications )
( 3.0   Governance)
( 4.0   Stakeholders )
( 4.1   Strategy)
( 5.0   Review of 2022 )
( 5.1   Level of Activity)
( 5.2   National Remit)
( 5.3   Achievements in 2022)
( 5.4   Work with )
( 6.0   Capacity Grant Report )
( 7.0   Capacity building application)

Final - 2023 IEN Annual Membership and Core Funding Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

Please take some time to work on this form, and read the Membership Application Handbook, which was emailed to you. The handbook explains the marking scheme used by our external assessors.

The deadline for completion of the form, including sending the required documents is ddmmyy. If you miss this deadline your organisation will not be considered for membership.

If you have and problems or issues email Justin at
Tick here if your organisation would like to join the Environmental Pillar. The Environmental Pillar is a national social partner, comprising 32 national environmental organisations. It works to promote the protection and enhancement of the environment, together with the creation of a viable economy and a just society, without compromising the viability of the planet on which we live for current and future generations of all species and ecosystems. For more information, please see our website, Facebook, or Twitter.
Tick here if your organisation would like to join the Environmental Pillar. The Environmental Pillar is a national social partner, comprising 32 national environmental organisations. It works to promote the protection and enhancement of the environment, together with the creation of a viable economy and a just society, without compromising the viability of the planet on which we live for current and future generations of all species and ecosystems. For more information, please see our website, Facebook, or Twitter.
The percentages awarded for each area are as follows:
Strategic plan 15%
Strategy and risk assessment 5%
NOTE: We need up to date copies of all of the following documents:
However if these documents have changed, you must send us copies of the changed documents.

Click the checkbox above if the following documents have not changed since your last application

You must email the documents listed below as part of your 2023 application:
  1. · Your most recent audited/certified accounts or CRA returns
  2. · List of current company Directors/Trustees and their personal contact details (personal email addresses will suffice)
  3. · Your strategic plan
  4. · The tracking page from your Governance Code records
  5. · Optional - copies of, or links to, publications you featured in in 2022

Email documents to before the deadline:

Section 1.1 IEN Membership Eligibility Criteria, and requirements for your application.

Your group must meet all of the IEN Membership Eligibility Criteria to be considered for membership.
Please mark which type your organisation is:
Your organisation's Personal Public Service Number
Your organisation's Tax Clearance Access Number

Section 1.2 Background information about your organisation.

Social media accounts
Please copy paste links of your social media accounts to the fileds
if different from above
if different from above

Section 1.3 Purpose Mission and Values.

Is this statement reflected in your governing document (memo and arts or constitution)?

Section 1.4 Governance of your organisation

confirm that charity registration is in place and all regulatory requirements are being met

Section 1.5 Human resources and capacity

On average, how many staff did your organisation employ in 2022?
How many volunteers per week does your central Organisation have (approx)? Estimate the number of hours available.
Number of volunteers
Number of hours available
e.g. FAS placements, interns, Tús, EU projects, research students etc.

Section 1.6 Unique contribution to our network

Bear in mind that there may be other IEN members working in the same area as your organisation. Explain what makes your contribution to environmentalism unique. If there are other organisations active in your field, explain what makes your group different. Do you have a different scientific or philosophical approach to the issue.

Section 1.7 Main activities of your organisation

What are the Main activities that your organisation is involved in?
Please select the activities that your organisation is involved in.

Section 1.8 Finances

i.e. turnover not including, profits, other income, interest etc.
i.e. funding from Government departments, Agencies, Semi-State bodies, Local authorities etc.

Section 1.9 The SDG’s and you

SDC Choices section Pleaee choose which SDGs you are working on
For a full list of targets under each goal, visit: topics of sustainable development goals

Section 2.0 Measuring the impact of your communications

Newsletter, Text, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
If your organisation has a newsletter, how often is it sent out?
Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc.
If your organisations uses social media platforms, how often do you make social media posts
Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc
How does your organisations measure the reach of your website and/or social media platforms
Google Analytics, Hootsuite etc.
How often does your organisation measure the impact of your website and/or social media platforms
Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc
Does your organisation put out press releases?
Please enter a number from 0 to 1000.
Does your organisation have a dedicated media/communications officer?
You can email copies of or links to publications with the other documents you send to
Please give exact figures on all the communication channels you use:

Section 3.0 Governance

Is your organisation 'compliant with the Charities code for governance?

Section 4.0 Strategy and Risk


Section 4.1 Strategic Plan

Does your organisation have a strategic plan or similar? If you click yes, please remember to include your plan with the documents you email to as part of this application.
Provide an update on the implementation of your strategic plan.
Do you have a risk register
What do you consider to be the MAIN internal obstacles/ constraints in carrying out your Organisation’s aims and objectives?

Please limit yourself to max. 6 items

Obstacle 1
Obstacle 2
Obstacle 3
Obstacle 4
Obstacle 5
Obstacle 6

Section 5.0 Review of activities in 2022

Questions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 attract a large proportion of the available marks so take some time to ensure that you are satisfied with your responses.

Section 5.1 Demonstrate that your organisation has a substantial level of activity

  1. • Provide at least 4 examples of your work in the past year demonstrate that your organisation meets our membership criteria with regard to having a substantial level of activity.

Section 5.2 Demonstrate that you have a national remit

  1. • Provide at least 4 examples of your work in the past year that show that your organisation meets our membership criteria with regard to having a demonstrable national remit.

Section 5.3 What are your main achievements in 2022 and what were their impacts.


Section 5.4 In what ways does your organisation work with other IEN members and with other Civil Society organisations.


Section 6 Expenditure of Capacity Building Fund grant 2022

If your organisation received an allocation under this heading as well as Core Funding in 2022, please give a summary of the project to date. If the project is not yet completed, detail the steps that will be taken to complete it and the date it will be completed.

Section 7 Application for Capacity Building funding (optional)

This section of the form is to allow your group to make a bid for a share of the Capacity Building funding; which has been set aside from the overall Core Funding for this purpose. The aim of this funding must be to increase your group’s capacity to fulfill its purpose or mission. This funding (€TBA) will be divided by the Assessors amongst the successful groups. Organisations that have been successful in obtaining capacity-building funding cannot apply for capacity building funding in the two subsequent years.

If your group has a particular need for a Capacity Building grant to help you function more effectively in a certain area this year, or to help you develop a new project, campaign or service. Please give details below.

[New suggested text: The assessors will carry out initial shortlisting according to the following criteria: *Benefit to your organisation *Value for money *Creative thinking/innovation *Viability *Critical timing Further information from applicants may be requested by the assessors to assist their deliberations.]
Please limit your application to 1000 characters
I agree with all Terms and Conditions*


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